Our mission is to promote the sustainable development and growth of rural Indian communities. In partnership with local community members and social enterprises, we identify issues central to our target communities and provide the resources to implement solutions through extensive field research and on-campus initiatives.
Project RISHI (Rural India Social & Health Improvement) is a student-run non-profit at the University of Pittsburgh. We partner with villages in need and serve to empower these villages with resources and dedicated service. With help from our generous donors, as well as the network and guidance from our National Project RISHI team, we are able to make our projects a reality. Our Pittsburgh team consists of students who believe deeply in the power of innovation and initiative to improve the social and health conditions in rural India. We come from an amalgam of backgrounds--from various ethnic, religious, geographic, educational, and socioeconomic upbringings. We are dedicated to one common goal: to bring sustainable solutions to rural Indian villages through human service.
We use a five-step process to ensure that the needs of our partner communities are effectively met. This framework maintains the quality of service and support we provide to our target population.
Project Areas
Our projects address disparities in the realms of health, water & sanitation, renewable energy, education, and income generation.
Our Village
We are working in Tatipaka in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India! Tatipaka has a population of approximately 8,630 people and the majority earn their income through agriculture. We have been working with this village since 2019 and our members are very excited to set our planned initiatives in motion this upcoming summer.